Sunday, March 11, 2012

Everyone Can Learn to Draw

Do your drawings look like a child did it?  Do you think you need to be born with a special gift in order to draw?  Most people believe that to be true, but it is not.  Everyone can learn to draw realistically!

Look at this before instruction photo.  It looks pretty elementary.  This student was hesitant in drawing the portrait and consequently, drew it quite small.  Compare this drawing to the one below which was completed during the first 2 hour class!  It doesn't even look like the same person drew it!!

So what made the difference?  The first drawing was done using the dominant, analytical side of the brain which tends to draw symbols.  The face is one of the earliest recognizable subjects a child draws. As you begin to see beyond dots for eyes and a curved line for a mouth, your symbol begins to change, but it still remains a symbol.  By using the creative, visual right side of the brain to do the task, your drawings begin to change and look more realistic.  The right side of the brain looks at things in terms of line, shape, value and color and looks at the relationship of each to one another.  

If this much progress can be made in a short 2 hour class, imagine what you could do with a little more time?  I guarantee your drawings will change in just one class!  Don't believe me? Check it out in our weekly drawing classes at Hobby Lobby every Thursday!    

Here's a couple of students' before and after photos!

I'd love to hear from some of my students what you thought of your drawing class experience.

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