Monday, June 18, 2012

Your Inner Voice

All Artists have an inner voice that beckons to be heard!  What is your Artist voice saying?  As an instructor, I often find my students trying to emulate my voice or someone else they like.  While studying someone else's work has merit to learn techniques, you will miss something very vital to your work - you - your inner voice!

Most people are afraid to find out what their inner voice is saying.  Be brave and let it out.  The best way to discover your inner voice is to allow yourself time to play!  Don't settle for being a mere technician.  It is through the a time of exploration and play that you will begin to learn what your inner voice is saying.  It is your style and part of who you are!  That's why many are afraid to let it out.  We become very vulnerable exposing our inner voice, but the trade off is well worth it.

There are days when my soul longs to paint, no it BEGS to paint!  What, I don't know, I just start painting and it begins to take form.  No fear of failure, no right or wrong, it just is.  Funny how some art just creates itself.  Art does take preparation and planning, but for this, it just had to be what it was meant to be.

Have you every tried this?  It's so much easier to do with paint than with the pencil.  I would encourage you to take time to do this and allow enough time to be undisturbed.  You will find it a very enriching experience.

In a conversation with another artist, we talked about our inner artist voice.  She had tried to paint like another artist she liked.  Her work was beautiful and perfectly executed realistically.  Then, one day, she tried her hand at abstract and WOW!!! Her inner artist voice came shining through with perfect composition, value, design and color.  Very powerful abstracts!!  She had found her inner voice and it was well received.  When you look at her work, you know who it belongs to, it's her, it's her artist voice!

Go on a journey today and explore the inner artist voice in you!!  It may take a while to find it because it takes time to listen and explore!  I'd love to hear your journey and what you've discovered.
Your Inner Artist

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