Thursday, December 13, 2012

I've moved! Come Visit my New Blog Home!!

My Blog has a new home on my newly redesigned website!  Please come visit with me there at

The Welcome mat is out and the coffee is hot and ready, come let's visit awhile!!

Please visit my new Blog at!  Thank you!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Your Inner Voice

All Artists have an inner voice that beckons to be heard!  What is your Artist voice saying?  As an instructor, I often find my students trying to emulate my voice or someone else they like.  While studying someone else's work has merit to learn techniques, you will miss something very vital to your work - you - your inner voice!

Most people are afraid to find out what their inner voice is saying.  Be brave and let it out.  The best way to discover your inner voice is to allow yourself time to play!  Don't settle for being a mere technician.  It is through the a time of exploration and play that you will begin to learn what your inner voice is saying.  It is your style and part of who you are!  That's why many are afraid to let it out.  We become very vulnerable exposing our inner voice, but the trade off is well worth it.

There are days when my soul longs to paint, no it BEGS to paint!  What, I don't know, I just start painting and it begins to take form.  No fear of failure, no right or wrong, it just is.  Funny how some art just creates itself.  Art does take preparation and planning, but for this, it just had to be what it was meant to be.

Have you every tried this?  It's so much easier to do with paint than with the pencil.  I would encourage you to take time to do this and allow enough time to be undisturbed.  You will find it a very enriching experience.

In a conversation with another artist, we talked about our inner artist voice.  She had tried to paint like another artist she liked.  Her work was beautiful and perfectly executed realistically.  Then, one day, she tried her hand at abstract and WOW!!! Her inner artist voice came shining through with perfect composition, value, design and color.  Very powerful abstracts!!  She had found her inner voice and it was well received.  When you look at her work, you know who it belongs to, it's her, it's her artist voice!

Go on a journey today and explore the inner artist voice in you!!  It may take a while to find it because it takes time to listen and explore!  I'd love to hear your journey and what you've discovered.
Your Inner Artist

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Joy of Creating - Student Exhibit

The Joy of Creating - Student Exhibit

The Library Center
Springfield, MO
June 1st - June 28th

Amazing works by my age 12 and under students!  Starting with Graphite, students move in to color using pastel and colored pencils.

The adults did fantastic too!!  Stop by the Library Center and vote for your favorite piece.

Much more to see.  Go to the Library.  Which is your favorite?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Color Theory 3 Day Intensive Workshop

 I recently taught a 3 Day Color Theory Intensive Class at Roaring River State Park.  Whenever you can get away and have uninterrupted time to learn something new and practice it, you grow.  That's what happened in our class.  We spent from 9 - 4 each day in our studio and then went outside to enjoy  the spring colors.  As we walked and looked at the surroundings, our senses were now keenly aware of all the color surrounding us.  I mused as I heard students discussing the colors they were seeing as if it were the first time to see it.  That's what happens when you really study and it forever changes how you see things and your art!

It you weren't able to go on the 3 day class, you can still do the 8 week class that begins April 5th!  Plan to go on a retreat workshop in the future.  I'm already planning Color Theory Part 2 for the fall!
Roaring River State Park.  What a beautiful location for our 3 Day Color Theory Workshop Retreat!   Spring was in full bloom painting the landscape with beautiful color!

We had time to work and time to play.  This tree was awesome and perfect for climbing, no matter how old you are!

Angelia, Paula, Sherri and Jackie

A little waterfall rains down between the massive rock.

Emory Melton Conference Center.  This was our home and studio for our 3 day conference.

Our studio space was in the Deer Leap Room looking out over the river.

Practicing color schemes.

Susan enjoying the massive tree!

Hiking the trails after class.

The workshop went well.  We learned a lot about color in class and out on our daily hikes around the park.
Have you attended any workshops that lasted more than a day?  What was your experience?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Everyone Can Learn to Draw

Do your drawings look like a child did it?  Do you think you need to be born with a special gift in order to draw?  Most people believe that to be true, but it is not.  Everyone can learn to draw realistically!

Look at this before instruction photo.  It looks pretty elementary.  This student was hesitant in drawing the portrait and consequently, drew it quite small.  Compare this drawing to the one below which was completed during the first 2 hour class!  It doesn't even look like the same person drew it!!

So what made the difference?  The first drawing was done using the dominant, analytical side of the brain which tends to draw symbols.  The face is one of the earliest recognizable subjects a child draws. As you begin to see beyond dots for eyes and a curved line for a mouth, your symbol begins to change, but it still remains a symbol.  By using the creative, visual right side of the brain to do the task, your drawings begin to change and look more realistic.  The right side of the brain looks at things in terms of line, shape, value and color and looks at the relationship of each to one another.  

If this much progress can be made in a short 2 hour class, imagine what you could do with a little more time?  I guarantee your drawings will change in just one class!  Don't believe me? Check it out in our weekly drawing classes at Hobby Lobby every Thursday!    

Here's a couple of students' before and after photos!

I'd love to hear from some of my students what you thought of your drawing class experience.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Audrey Bottrell - Fine Art and Instruction: Arizona Colors!

Audrey Bottrell - Fine Art and Instruction: Arizona Colors!

Arizona Colors!

One thing the Impressionists did for us was to show us that colors look different in other locations!  The colors looked different in France than other countries.  Here in the USA, the colors out West look different than the colors here in the Midwest.  Last week I spent time in Lake Havasu City Arizona painting a 60 foot long mural.  I flew to Las Vegas and drove 2 1/2 hours to Lake Havasu City.  The drive was a different kind of beautiful through the desert.  I marvel at the purple mountains and tried to photo them as I drove!  I wouldn't recommend that for the safety of driving and for the quality of the photos.  I really wanted to be able to capture the colors I saw with my naked eye.  As you can see, the photos do not do them justice.

I was studying the local colors of the desert in preparation for painting a mural.  It's amazing the colors you see when you really look!  Not only are the distant mountains purple but the greens are different too, more of a blue green than a lush grass green.

I began the mural with the lavender mountains on the horizon.  Cooler colors stay in the background while warmer colors seem to move closer.  Since I had a long narrow framework for the mural, I had little vertical distant to create depth.  Size and colors helped to achieve that effect.

 Study your surroundings and really look at the color.  Remember, color looks different at different times of the day.  What color are the trees on the horizon?  Compare that with the colors of the trees that are close to you.  Have you traveled and noticed colors were different than at home?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Amazing Color of Light!

Did you ever wonder about the color of light?  Yes, light has a color!  It's amazing to see it and you begin to wonder if your eyes are seeing right.  One morning I was getting ready for the day when I saw the color of light shining under the bathroom door.  The patio door in the adjacent room was shining indirect light into the room and seeping in under my door.  Do you see this magnificent color?  I'm always telling my students about the colors I see, particularly purple hues.  Here's proof!

 On another day, I saw the most vibrant lavender hue in a late afternoon shadow on the step.  Colors are everywhere.  Shadows definitely aren't black, but contain color.  Look for it!

Here's another glowing example.  Let your eyes relax or squint at the table top.  What color do you see? Our world is full of color!  Look closely at your world and let me know what colors you're seeing.  Were you surprised at what you saw?

Join me for a 3 Day Color Intensive Workshop or an 8 Week Color Theory Class!   Color Theory Made Easy!